Blenheim Crescent, Broughton Astley, Leicestershire LE9 6QX

01455 283247 Mob 07453 812333

Orchard Church of England Primary School




PE is taught to all children from Foundation Stage to year 6. In the early years and key stage one, they develop good basic skills in Dance, Gymnastics and Games. A new PE curriculum has been introduced in Key Stage two, with a wider range of activities and sports available to all children. We will continue to develop inter and intra school competitions both with our family of schools and with Blaby and Harborough district school sports association of which we are a member

Sports Funding 

Click here to see details of our sports funding  or you can find the link on the Sports Page  


Foundation Stage 2

When your child comes into the Foundation Stage class, our priority is that they are happy and they settle into school routines and understand our school rules. Most of all we want them to be lively learners with enquiring minds, who have lots of fun.

Please take a look at our booklet which will explain further what The Twiglet’s class is like...

Welcome to Twiglets Booklet


Key Stage 1

Year 1 and 2


For information on our topics please visit our class webpage

Throughout the year ongoing assessments are made and these will be discussed with you during parents’ evenings and through reports.


Other Ways You Can Help

Please continue to assist and encourage your child with reading at home on a daily basis.  Your child has the opportunity to change their reading book each morning.  We help your child to become more independent by making sure that their red book is signed to say they have read their book at home before they can change it. 

Your child will also be asked to complete homework most weeks. The homework covers a range of English, Maths and Topic subjects, which will reinforce learning at school.

Year 6 superleaders organise games and multisports activities with the children at playtime.


Key Stage 2

Year 3 and 4

Please see class pages for up to date information on topics we are covering.

Reading Books

Children can change their own reading books either first thing in the morning, lunchtime or after school.  Parents are encouraged to hear their child read at least three times a week. Please write down the book, date that you hear your child read and a helpful comment about how your child is reading in their ‘Reading Record’.  Reading records will be collected every Friday to check to see children have read in the week and children will rewarded.  If a child reads 3 times a week they will receive 1 book token and 2 tokens for reading 5 times in a week.  These book tokens will then be collected and entered into a half termly prize draw.   


Maths homework will be a combination of paper and online activities.  The children will be set an Abacus maths activity relating to the past weeks learning in class.  They will also receive paper based activities throughout the year to be completed in their homework book.  Maths homework will be set on a Friday to be handed in the following Friday.

The children will also have topic based homework where they will have the opportunity to choose from a selection of activities.  In year 4, one topic activity needs to be completed every two weeks.

Any other homework will also be set on Friday to be handed in the following Friday.

Further, the children have an on-going target to learn their times tables to 12x12 by the end of year 4.


Spellings will be set on Monday each week to be tested on the following Monday.  The children are expected to learn these using techniques such as look, read, say, cover, write and check.  In Year 4, the children are expected to write a sentence for half of their spelling words to help them learn them.  For sustained success the children will receive certificates and stickers.



Year 5 


Guided reading sessions are the main reading focus within year 5. During this time, inferential, deductive and literal texts will be studied in some depth. We believe it is important for your child to read as often as possible, and to experience a wide range of texts.  Children are expected to read at home in order to improve their writing work.  After you have heard your child read (including guided reading material) please sign their record at least once a week. 


All year 5 children will be given a homework diary.  Spellings are sent home on a weekly basis and guided reading will be sent home if it is not completed in school.  Maths homework is generally once a week and will be based on our new Abacus computerised system (where possible); this will include the learning of times tables, which is an important part of mental arithmetic work.  Other subject and topic homework will be given as necessary, which will reinforce learning at school.


Year 6 



Maths homework is set weekly. Mental maths homework is given on a Thursday to be handed in the following Thursday. Online homework is set on a Friday to be completed by the next Friday. Writing homework tasks are due in fortnightly.  Dates and task descriptions can be found in your child's homework book. Spellings are given weekly to be learnt and related sentenced written usually on Fridays. All homework should be written in your child's homework diary which we check for parental signatures every Monday. On a rota basis each child is expected to research a piece of local, national or international news to share with the class.  Reading Records are checked every Friday. Children should read regularly at home and Records signed at least once a week by an adult at home.
We have two PE sessions a week. Our outdoor session is on Wednesdays. Please ensure your child has appropriate kit in school (trainers joggers, sweatshirt, T-shirt in school colours, spare pair of socks). Indoor PE is on Fridays. Your child will need shorts and T-shirt again in school colours with a pair of plimsoles.

We would strongly encourage all children to purchase the SAT revision books in the Spring Term to use both in school and at home.

As the oldest children in the school, Year 6 pupils take on many roles of responsibility around the school and are role models for other year groups.





Reception Helpers  Year 6 children volunteer to help our youngest children settle into school by helping them with their lunch and assist them with their coats before going out to play.

Superleaders  Each year several year 6 children are trained as Superleaders.  They organise games and multisports actitivites at playtimes and lunchtimes on a rota system for all children in the school.