Blenheim Crescent, Broughton Astley, Leicestershire LE9 6QX

01455 283247 Mob 07453 812333

Orchard Church of England Primary School

School Uniform 

  • Grey trousers, shorts, pinafore, skirt or culottes – blue gingham dresses are also acceptable in the summer
  • White polo shirt, shirt or blouse
  • Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan (option with Orchard logo is available)
  • Plain socks or tights in black, white, navy or grey
  • Plain black shoes/trainers


We discourage all children from wearing any jewellery in school for health and safety reasons and all jewellery must be removed for P.E. sessions. The school does not accept any responsibility for lost or damaged items.


Footwear: black shoes or plain black trainers (without any logo)


PE kit


White t-shirt

Navy sweatshirt

Navy/black shorts

Navy/black joggers

Black plimsolls and black outdoor trainers. No logos please.


The school has a small stock of uniform with the Orchard logo available (sweaters, cardigans, polo shirts and P.E. T-shirts). Please order using +Pay on your PMX account. Your order will then be sent home with your child. Anyone in receipt of pupil premium should complete an order form and hand it in to the office together with their pupil premium card.


School Uniform Order Form 


 Pre-loved Uniform


The Orchard Parent's Association hold pre-loved sales on a regular basis. They also operate an online shop on you would like to look at items before buying please email   If you are looking for a particular size or item that isn't online please email the OPA as new items are being donated all the time so there can be a delay in items being available on